4-3. Weak Tie for Network Effects
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The powerful function of the Weak Tie was revealed in Mark S. Granovetter's 1973 paper The Strength of Wek Ties. The main conclusions of this paper are being demonstrated through Web 2.0 services, and the key importance of the spread of networks with weak connections has emerged in the existing network theory.
This tells us that the key to enabling exponential network expansion by creating a network effect in social relations is played by participants with weak connections.
l The Constraints of Weak Connections in Web 3.0 – The Duality of Tokens
In Web 3.0, it is clear that digital asset tokens are a powerful tool to attract users within the community ecosystem. However, on the contrary, the closed element of a strong connection-driven through tokens is constraining the expansion of the community. As such, it can be said that tokens have a dual nature in terms of community networks.
However, as the existing Web 3.0 blockchain ecosystem mainly builds a strong connection-driven community based on tokens, the constraints of network expansion have become stronger.
A network community with a strong connection center can experience a Filter Bubble, which further reinforces information bias within the community, further constraining the expansion of the network.
l The way to utilize and strengthen weak connections
For the success of Web 3.0 services, the role of weak connections is critical. To address this, NCOP seeks to identify and attract people who act as weak connections, and to reward and support them to act as bridges connecting the NCOP ecosystem with other external networks.
(1) Weak connections target: A typical network member of a weak connection is influencer. They affect millions of people to a certain extent, but they are not personally building a strong relationship. The influence of influencers also has a certain impact on the network of each of their followers.
Weak connections in the NCOP network are people who have a weak relationship based on the NCOP network. It can be said that all these people are the object of a weak connection.
(2) Weak connection draw-in plan:
Community Engagement within NCOP Ecosystem: We provide a free bulletin board within the platform for communities within NCOP to share, so that network coupling through shared information can be achieved.
Engagement through Big Mouse: We place Big Mouse who are active within various communities, including influencers, to play a role in the NCOP ecosystem.
External community engagement activities: We create a connection with the external community by posting an introduction to the NCOP platform to the external community and linking the information to the NCOP platform.
NCOP prepares and provides a variety of external connection lines, allowing the spread of the network through weak connections to take place, and the results of these activities allow weak connections to evolve upwards into strong connections.
(3) Rewards: Rewards for participants who have acted as weak connections are achieved by providing incentives based on the performance of the activity.
This is closely related to the incentives for the aforementioned network effects.
NCOP Tokenomics recognizes the importance of incentives highly and will actively utilize incentives based on participants' activities, rather than random airdrop methods.